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Ever wondered why your furry friend can’t resist licking their paws? If the constant slurping sound or the sight of red, sore paws sounds familiar, worry not! We’ve been there too with our pup Ziggy. In this guide, we’ll explore the various reasons behind excessive paw licking and how it connects to your dog’s overall health. Plus, we’ve got a bunch of tips and remedies to help you put an end to this puzzling behavior.

5 Common Reasons Why Dogs Lick Their Paws Constantly

1. Allergies:

Food allergies, environmental factors like pollen, or even chemicals in shampoos can trigger paw licking. If your dog seems itchy, allergies might be the culprit.

2. Bacterial or Yeast Infections:

Skin infections can lead to paw licking, especially in warm, moist areas. If there’s an unpleasant smell, yeast infection might be the issue. Probiotics can play a role in addressing this.

3. Stress, Anxiety & Boredom:

Boredom can drive dogs to lick paws for entertainment. Stress and anxiety, such as vet visits or a change in environment, may also lead to this behavior.

4. Pain, Injuries, or Arthritis:

Dogs may lick their paws to relieve pain from injuries or arthritis. Even without visible wounds, the instinct to self-soothe can be strong.

5. Dry Skin:

Dry and itchy skin, caused by factors like prolonged baths or harsh weather, can prompt paw licking as an attempt to find relief.

Understanding why your dog constantly licks their paws is the first step to finding a solution. If the reasons mentioned don’t seem to fit, consulting your vet is the best course of action. Keep your pup’s paw-sitivity intact! 

How to Stop Your Dog from Licking Its Paws

There are several ways you can prevent your dog from licking their paws constantly.

The most important place to start? Finding the source of the problem, then working on addressing the behavior itself.

Below is a list of treatment options you can try when your dog won’t stop licking its paws:

Medicated Dog Shampoos & Topical Treatments: If your dog is licking their paws due to allergies or bacterial infections, topical treatments such as sprays or creams (containing hydrocortisone), medicated dog shampoos, or dog wipes may be effective in restoring a healthy balance of organisms on your dog’s skin.
Allergies can be difficult to diagnose and treat; it’s best to talk to your vet to identify the source of your dog’s allergy and prescribe the best treatment plan.

Diet Change: Excessive paw licking can be caused by the overproduction of yeast in your dog’s body. A very common cause of yeast infections is food-related allergies. So, it might be time to look closely at your dog’s diet and speak to your vet about the best course of action, such as switching to a raw dog food diet or a brand of hypoallergenic kibble.

Natural Home Remedies: If you prefer a natural approach, you may try home remedies like soaking your dog’s paw in apple cider vinegar or oatmeal, or applying coconut oil to the affected area.

Bathing & Paw Balms: If your dog’s paws are dry and cracked, a daily bath will help to soothe and soften their skin. You can try a pet-formulated, high-quality dog shampoo or a gentle baby shampoo. After bathing, dry their paws thoroughly and apply a soothing paw balm to lock in moisture.

Boredom Busters & Exercise: If your dog is licking their paws due to boredom or anxiety, they need more stimulation and exercise. Walk your dog for at least 30 minutes every day, and supply them with good quality toys or DIY dog enrichment toys when they are left alone.

Try a Bandage or Socks: A simple way to stop your dog from licking its paw is with a bandage or sock. Cover your dog’s paw with a light bandage and let them wear it for a few days. For some dogs, bandaging their paw is enough to prevent them from licking – out of sight, out of mind!